digital business cards

How to create a digital business card as an author in India? 

Ever felt like you're stuck in your own plot twist, trying to navigate the maze of going digital? You're not alone.

For authors, the leap into the digital world can feel like stepping into an unknown universe, where the rules are different, and the stakes are high. It's not just about writing anymore; it's about becoming a tech wizard overnight. Sounds daunting, right?

First off, let's talk costs. Who hasn't dreamt of seeing their website live, only to be jolted awake by the price tag? It's like the villain of our story, lurking in the shadows, ready to snatch away our dreams. Building a website isn’t just about coughing up the dough once; it’s about feeding that digital beast month after month. And for many of us scribblers living on a shoestring budget, that’s a hard pill to swallow.

Then, there's the time and effort.

Picture this: you're finally done with your manuscript after months, or let's be real, years of hard work. You're ready to share it with the world. But wait!

You now need to spend countless hours learning how to build and manage a website? It's like being asked to direct the movie adaptation of your book when all you wanted was to write the script. The learning curve is steep, friends. And let's not even start on the marketing and SEO wizardry required to make your site visible. It's enough to make you want to retreat to your writing cave.

And what about the personal touch? In a world where everything is increasingly digital, standing out becomes a challenge. How do you make your website feel like 'you' when there are millions of other sites out there? It's like trying to find your voice in a crowded room where everyone is shouting.

So, here we are, dear fellow authors, at a crossroads.

Do we brave the beast, or do we look for a magical sword that can cut through the chaos? What if I told you that there might just be a spellbinding alternative that could give us the best of both worlds?

A digital business card for writers, perhaps? Now that's a twist worthy of our stories.

What can you add to a digital business card?

Stepping into the digital arena doesn't have to be a Herculean task, especially not with the magic wand known as a digital business card.

This nifty little tool is like having your own mini-website that's not only easy to create but also packs a punch in making sure you're seen and remembered. Imagine having a sleek, professional digital footprint without the hassle of web development or the fear of breaking the bank.

Sounds good?

Let’s dive into what your digital business card can feature:

  • Social Media Profiles: Seamlessly integrate your social media handles. Whether you're a Twitter wordsmith, an Instagram storyteller, or a Facebook novelist, link them all!

  • Contact Number: Make it easy for readers, publishers, and fellow authors to reach out to you with just a tap.

  • Lead Form: Engage interested readers or potential clients by allowing them to leave their details for you to catch up later. It’s like having your own secretary, minus the coffee runs.

  • Visitor Tracking: Ever wonder who's interested in your work? With visitor tracking, get insights on who's checking out your card, giving you a clue on your audience.

  • Customization Options: Whether you're into minimalist design or something more flamboyant, customize your digital card to reflect your unique style.

  • Updates Within Minutes: Got a new book launch or an event coming up? Update your digital business card in real-time, keeping everyone in the loop.

Now, think of the possibilities.

No more worrying about website downtimes or not being tech-savvy enough to update your content. With a digital business card, you're not just saving time and money; you're also making a statement in the digital world. It's your personal billboard, flexible, dynamic, and as creative as your latest novel.

So, what's the next step?

Dive into creating your bizlite digital card.

How to create a digital business card using bizlite? 

It's as simple as signing up for a free account on any website. All you need is: 

  • A logo and 1 cover image (your name would also do); 
  • All the links you want to add to my card  (for example your book's amazon link; 
  • Some basic information, like what you do, your contact information, etc. 

Once you have everything, log into bizlite ( 

Add your basic details like email, desired password, and name, and you're ready to create your card. 

Here's an illustrative example I did for our own instagram account. 

On the first screen, I added a new cover, updated the theme design, and copy, and clicked submit. 

On the next screen, I added: 

  • Link to my digital catalog; 
  • Our store Whatsapp number; 
  • Our support email; 
  • Payment link (for direct payments) 
  • And a YouTube video showing how it works. 

Now, I could’ve added gallery images, testimonials, and stuff. But I didn’t want to clutter it for a while. So, kept it straightforward.  Finally, I just added this link to my store's Instagram bio, and that's it. 

Also Read: Using bizlite as a link in bio tool

Once you create the card, play around with the features, experiment with designs, and see how it transforms your digital presence.

Remember, a digital business card for writers is not just a tool; it's your gateway to networking with your audience, publishers, and fellow writers. 

This isn't about replacing your traditional outreach but enhancing it with a digital companion that's versatile, cost-effective, and incredibly easy to manage.

  • Cost-effective: Say goodbye to the daunting costs of website development and maintenance.

  • Time-saving: Skip the steep learning curve of web design and focus on what you do best—writing.

  • Personal and Professional Branding: Stand out with a digital card that reflects your unique style.

  • Easy Updates: Keep your audience informed about your latest work with real-time updates.

  • Wider Reach: Easily share your digital business card across various platforms, increasing your visibility.

With a digital business card, you're not just another author in the sea of digital content; you're a storyteller ready to share your narrative on your terms. It's time to take control of your digital presence without the hassle or the hefty price tag of maintaining an author website.

And guess what? You can start creating your first digital business card for free with bizlite. In just 10 minutes, you can step confidently into the digital arena and connect with your audience like never before.

So, why wait? Start crafting your digital legacy today.

Get started now

Anmol Ratan Sachdeva

Anmol writes to help early-stage startups, businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs build, improve and grow their ventures.
